backlist books I want to read // Top Ten Tuesday

We live in a world where hundreds of thousands of new books are published every year. Many won't interest me and most won't even cross my radar, but when I do hear about an upcoming or recent release that sounds intriguing, it gets added to my "Want to Read" shelf. When I read the book, it is removed. It's as simple as that.

However, for every book that I do read, there's always another one or two or three or more to take its place. In this way, my digital TBR pile is constantly (and often exponentially) growing. Indeed, it will be physically impossible for me to read them all in my lifetime.

And that's not even considering all the books that were released in decades past. 

In the book blogging community, we often focus on new releases so intensely that we neglect any books not published within the current year. But not today. Today is all about those backlist books. The ones we said we'd read when they were first released but never got around to, and the ones we only heard about some years later.

So without further ado, here are the top ten backlist books that I am most excited to read.

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl with a new topic to respond to every week.

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1. The Giver by Lois Lowry (first published in 1993)

2. Sabriel by Garth Nix (first published in 1995)

3. The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness (first published in 2008)

4. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas (first published in 2012)

5. The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken (first published in 2012)

6. The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey (first published in 2013)

7. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell (first published in 2013)

8. To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han (first published in 2014)

9. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo (first published in 2015)

10. Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff (first published in 2015)

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Will I ever get around to picking all of these books up? I sure hope so. Some I already own the whole series (*cough* Throne of Glass *cough*)!

Are any of these books also on your TBR? Or have you read them already? If so, are there any that I absolutely must read ASAP?

Niamh, xo.


  1. Ooh The Darkest Minds... thanks for reminding me of that one! I remember wanting to read it, then again when the movie came out, but... just haven't yet. Fangirl I really liked. And I've heard good things about garth Nix.

    1. I'm planning to read Fangirl sometime this month! I read Garth Nix's Keys to the Kingdom series when I was in primary school and remember really enjoying it so I'm confident I'll like The Old Kingdom series as well.

  2. Ooh you've got some great ones on your list Niamh! I highly recommend everything Patrick Ness. My TTT

    1. Thanks, Chrissi! I actually just finished reading A Monster Calls the other day and discovered I love Patrick Ness' writing style so I'm even more excited to dive into the Chaos Walking trilogy as soon as I can!

  3. Sooooo many good books on this list! Six of Crows and Illuminae were amazing. Sabriel is a lot of fun, and kind of one of the "cornerstone" titles of what YA fantasy is today, so that's pretty cool if you ask me. Throne of Glass, well, I didn't LOVE the first book, but I've marathon-read the whole series this year (working on the finale now) and it has quickly become one of my favorite series of all time! So, if you pick it up and don't love the first book right away, definitely keep going! :D

    I focused on backlist ARCs in my T10T this week if you want to check it out! ♥

    1. Yes! I've heard such great things about all of them! And it makes me so sad that I haven't read them yet because I feel like I'm missing out! Now that I have all the Throne of Glass books I'm pretty keen to start the series, so I'll keep that in mind, thanks!

  4. Nice list! The Giver and Six of Crows are great. I hope you get a chance to read them soon. Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. Thanks! Me too! But so many other books to read first!

  5. I NEED to read the Throne of Glass series, Six of Crows, To All the Boys I've Loved Before, The Darkest Mind and Sabriel - they all sound so good!

    I absolutely LOVED Illuminae, The 5th Wave and The Knife of Never Letting Go (beware: you'll need a lot of tissues for that one! ). I hope you get around to them soon! :)

    My TTT post!

    1. Oh dear, I'd better stock up on tissues! Thanks for the hint, Kyra, and thanks for visiting!

  6. Throne of Glass, Illuminae and Six of Crows made it to my list too :D I would highly recommend To All the Boys I've Loved Before series. It is so good and I enjoyed it so much.

    My TTT:

    1. I guess we both have similar tastes then! I loved the Netflix movie of TATBILB but when I tried to get my hands on the book, it was sold out EVERYWHERE for weeks! I might have to try again now!

  7. Six of Crows has been on my TBR for so long, I should really get around to it. And I loved The 5th Wave when I read it years ago, but I never got around to finishing the series.

    - Louise

    1. It can be so hard to make time for backlist books! If only there were more hours in the day... Do you think you will go back and finish The 5th Wave one day?

  8. There's some really good ones on this list. I personally love The Knife of Never Letting Go, To All the Boys, and Six of Crows. Hope you get a chance to read and enjoy these soon!

    1. Thank you! I hope so too! If only I could just read all day every day!

  9. I loved The Giver and Fangirl. They’re two of my all-time favorites.

    1. It's always good hearing that the books you want to read are other people's favourites - it makes me even more excited to pick them up!

  10. Throne of Glass, Fangirl and Illuminae - YES! I only read Fangirl recently but really enjoyed it. Made me want to pick up Carry On immediately, but I haven't bought myself a copy yet. Eventually though, haha.

    As for Throne of Glass and Illuminae.. Both two of my favorite series. Throne of Glass might just be THE favorite for me even. Just.. keep those tissues near. Especially when you read Obsidio. That book gave me all the tears and the biggest book hangover I ever had. :')

    1. I've actually already read Carry On - I saw it on the shelf at my library one day and knew I had to make the most of that rare opportunity! (It was amazing, by the way, so definitely pick it up when you can!) I didn't realise how it was related to Fangirl at the time!

      Wow, that's about the strongest recommendation you can give! And it seems like I'm going to need tissues for most of these books! I don't know if I'll be able to cope haha!

  11. I've wanted to read The Giver for years and really need to move it up on my TBR list. I hope you enjoy Throne of Glass - it was even better than I expected! Happy reading!

    1. Same! The Giver is one of those books that I keep forgetting about amidst all of the flashy new releases. Thanks! I'm hoping that Throne of Glass will be my next series binge!


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